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In the spring of 2011 I decided to build my own multicopter. Being enthousiasted by various projects I found on the internet, I decided to build one myself. So a carbon-framed tricopter attached to an HD camera seemed good to me. Never use propellers on your quadcopter unless needed. In most all cases, .
The goal of this project is to create an independent collection of information about quadrocopters, multicopters etc. The main focus are small size multicopters that are not able to carry humans. Still, a lot of information here may be also applicable to the big brothers and sisters of the small multicopters. General information about multicopters and this wiki. Multicopter control principles and algorithms. A list of multicopter projects.
Услуги по видео и фото съемке с борта мультироторных летательных аппаратов. Строим мультикоптер сами - шаг за шагом. Услуги по сборке, настройке, подбору обрудования, ремонту мультикоптерных аппаратов и обучения управления ими. Плата GPS, использование GPS. Использование фото и видео- оборудования. FMS - симулятор полета на мультикоптере. Права, условия, ответственность, предупреждения, гарантии. Новый полезный раздел на форуме.
So the first thing you should do is to cut the heatshrink off. Try to cut a straight line in one of the sides so it will be easier to reassemble.